Rescue Ranger

All your research satellites were scattered across space when you forgot to close the ship hatch. Slap on your jetpack and explore the solar system in this original retro browser-based game of gravity – can you find and recover them all…and whatever else might be out there?

A simple adventure created in Lottie and applied for 2D browser gameplay – explore the Milky Way and learn how each celestial body’s gravitational pressure affects player physics while trying to find the missing satellites on each planet. Walk, jump, and fly, but don’t get crushed by comets!

The satellites ping louder when you get closer to them, so follow your ears while searching. Search high within the planet's orbit and low on the ground or in water. Press any number on your keyboard corresponding to the planet map from the main map screen to start exploring!

Try it out! Use the button to launch the game in a new window (currently only supported on desktop). Watch the gameplay trailer below for more.

Tags: #design #gamedesign #gameart #leveldesign #lottie #json #gaming #2D #gamemaker #conceptdesign #post-production #animation #gamedev


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